What I'm Reading Right Now:

What I'm currently Reading:

Fevre Dream - George RR Martin
Moon Over Soho - Ben Aaronovitch
Ravenheart - David Gemmell
Prisoner of the Iron Tower (Book II) - Sarah Ash

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Review: Hollowland - Amanda Hocking

Rating: 3
Husband: didn't read
Got it: Kindle
Price: Free download
Finished: recently

Hollowland - the first book in the young adult dystopian series The Hollows..

"This is the way the world ends - not with a bang or a whimper, but with zombies breaking down the back door."

Nineteen-year-old Remy King is on a mission to get across the wasteland left of America, and nothing will stand in her way - not violent marauders, a spoiled rock star, or an army of flesh-eating zombies.

This is a young adult title with some language, violence, and mild sexual situations recommended for ages sixteen and up.
I will admit I'm slightly obsessed with Amanda Hockings success and wish that I had the prolific writing speed that she does.  I have been meaning to read the Tyrlle series, but now that they are no longer self-pub'ed, I'm not sure that I want to pay the $8.99 for the download. For $2.99 I know I would....there's that magic number that J.A.Konrath keeps going on about.  I'll be looking for these in the second hand bookstore for sure.

Back to Hollowland.  For a free book, I can't complain too hard. I felt that some of the situations were a little "out there", but the pace was high, and it kept me turning the pages even if there were times when I was a little drawn out of the story by the unbelievable-ness of a few situations.  However, I did like the lead, her cohorts were great and Amanda didn't scrimp on the death of regular people. Which pleases me.  Also, I like the hook to the next series.

The romance wasn't great, but thats not why I read these books anyway. The climax (so to speak) was rushed and I didn't particularly like it.  I will agree that its for older teens, 16+ for sure since there is full sexual intercourse.

I'm debating part two, Hollowmen.  For $0.99 its hard to go wrong, and I'm leaning to a yes, mostly because of the hook and as I write this I can feel that I'm getting more interested to know what happens, and that is the hallmark of good.  You got me. I want to know.  All in all, if you like a cheap read, and it does keep the pace going, then this is a yes.  It was good.  I'm likely going to DL part two next week, if not tonight while I'm laying in bed deciding what I'm going to pick up off the bedside table.

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